Smart Meters Built for Reliability and Accuracy

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Smart Metering Solutions for a Smarter Tomorrow

We undertake the assembly of semi-knocked-down components of the meter cover, terminal cover, modem, modem cover, silicon keypad, battery, screws, MCB, connecting cables, meter box base, meter base cover, cartons, of the electronic smart meters into fully assembled meters for deployment in the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry (NESI) and nationwide use.

  • Plans are underway for full scale manufacture of meters from basic components, Surface Mounted Technologies, PCBs, RF interface and 5G communications. 
  • We have capacity to carry out repairs on smart prepayment meters
  • We specialize in the assembly and manufacture of the following categories of tamper-proof energy meters:
  • Manufacturing Capacity
  • Expansion Project
  • Installation of electricity meters
  • Assembly of Electricity Meter Boxes

Our Installed capacity for the assembly of tamper-proof smart single-phase and three-phase prepayment electricity meters is nominally 750,000 electricity meters per annum.

Annual production plan is – (300,000 Units/year – 2025/2026; 670,000 Units/year in 2027 and 750,000 Units in 2028/2029)

Numbers of shifts – 3

Projected Monthly production at full capacity – 34,000 pcs average

Daily Production – 1550 pcs

Hourly production – 64pcs

Plans are already afoot to construct a new ultra-modern meter assembly factory alongside the existing facility with a capacity of 740,000 tamper-proof smart prepayment electricity meters per year bringing the company’s total meter manufacturing capacity to one million one hundred thousand tamper-proof smart single-phase and three-phase smart prepayment meters per annuum. 
Morgan Energy Ltd is registered as a Meter Asset Provider (MAP), and Metering Services Provider (MSP), (Meter Installation) – by NERC. We hold the first Category One Corporate Electricity Meter Installation Personnel Certification by NEMSA. We provide full scale go-to services for technical installation and repairs of electricity smart meters in Discos, industries, commercial, residential premises and other establishments.  The range of our installation expertise also covers:
  • Single-phase smart meters
  • Three-phase smart meters
  • Maximum Demand meters
  • Grid Meters and Instruments
As an offshoot of our production process, we are currently embarking on the importation and assembly of SKDs for polycarbonate UV-stabilised fire-retardant anti-oxidation electricity meter boxes that have good dielectric and mechanical strength.  Our projected installed throughput will be two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) units per annuum, but we will assemble one hundred thousand (100,000) units in the first year then ramp up to reach three hundred and sixty thousand (360,000) meter boxes per year by 2026.